Weekly Edit #8

Ok, so I’m not SUPER consistent with posting these weekly - but I want to make sure I have some good stuff to share! I’ve accumulated a few things below that I’ve been loving lately. Let me know what you think!


I’m sure I’ve already mentioned her, but Busy Toddler is one of the best resources for activities and I LOVE her philosophy on toys. She has her Christmas toy list out already - and she really focuses on open ended play AND toys that will grow with the kids. What else can you ask for?? Also a great resource for birthday gifts!


This is both a Podcast & Sustainability recommendation! The LadyGang podcast had on Lauren Singer - who has a no trash lifestyle and business. I found this short episode super inspiring - and makes you think about WHY things are packaged the way they are, and what we can do with our purchasing power to make a small difference. It reinvigorated me to take the few extra minutes and make sure I’m washing out everything I can to recycle!

New newsletter alert! So Many Thoughts by Elizabeth Holmes — If you like all things Royal, check this one out. She recently had a post about how the Royals are addressing sustainability, since they are notorious for not wearing the same thing more than once. One stat that I found interesting was that more than 60% of clothes are made with synthetic materials, which means they won’t decay in the landfill. Horrible!

I’ll add links to both of these resources in my Sustainability blog post, too!


I’m happily going back to the Library these days! Here are some recent good picks:

The LowCountry series by Susan Boyer - a light beachy murder mystery. I’m hooked! These have a lot of twists and turns and just make for an easy end of day reading.

Atomic Habits by James Clear - this is a popular pick lately, you may have heard of it. I’m most of the way through and it’s a great read no matter what kind of habits you have - I like that it explains how habits are made and gives you little tricks to start good habits and explains why it works!

Organizing Tip of the Week:

Save and use glass jars! This is a great way to re-use and easy way to see what you have left. I love to decant beans, rice, grains, etc. into jars in the pantry. I’ll also use small jars in the bathroom or nightstand to keep jewelry or hair accessories corralled!


Weekly Edit #9


Moving - The Best Time to Organize.